Sunday 9 March 2014

Week 5 Photo

Week 1
Week 5

I wasn't able to take a photo during week 4, due to a lack of camera, but here it is , week 5!
Do I look like I've improved? I'm wearing the same clothing as week 4, the shorts are too big though so I had to roll the waistband to keep them up.

This week my diet has been a lot better, breakfast especially, I've been including more protein sources and good fats such as eggs, Greek yoghurt and avocado.

For example, breakfast everyday has been Greek yoghurt, blueberries, banana and honey. With a lunch of duck eggs and avocado, sometimes on ryvita, sometimes on wholemeal bread. Dinner has included mostly vegetables, kale, carrots, broccoli, some potato, noodles etc In my blog entry next Sunday I am going to have a full weeks food journal, with potential for some video!

Let me know how you think I'm getting on! :)



Unknown said...

You look amazing Sarah, big transformation. Well done.

Sarah said...

Thank you Jaki xx