Thursday 27 February 2014

So, it's half way through week 4 already, and I'll admit, I haven't been eating as clean as I could have been, or should  I rephrase that, I haven't been eating as clean as I SHOULD have been, the 7 roses chocolates from last night are testament to that! I also haven't been keeping a food diary, I try, but I always seem to forget, so for the next 4 weeks I am making it a top priority to keep a food diary.

Now! for a little photo opportunity here, who say's it can't be a little bit funny? So here's me, with the smallest bit of muscle definition starting to creep in!! Not quite guns yet, but getting there! I've noticed my right arm is increasing in mass faster than my left, so I've taken note to work my left arm more! May have to swap hands whilst walking the dog as well for an extra bit of a work out!

Me being a bit silly! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep going, the muscle is definitely starting to show.