Monday 24 March 2014

Wowsa! What a week

Now, this isn't a good post, and it sure isn't healthy, week 7 has been one long week of indulgence, and it shows! I've exercised as much but my diet has been off the scales,  I didn't prepare for the week at all, and I ended up eating large quantities of processed foods. Spent two nights out drinking ,and consumed 6 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and alot of fried food at work! It was delicious, but one day I woke up, and my body felt like it was suffering, however that might have been the black coffee and lemon meringue doughnut I Had for breakfast, sugar and caffeine rush! How do people manage to live that way? because I know some people do.

At the end of this week, I will be taking another photo, and I just hope I can do enough to combat the damage I did last week. I am alot stronger and more muscular than before however I don't think it really counts when there's a layer of doughnut fat over me!

Breakfast today: about 6 Pringles that I'd not eaten the day before ??? What was I thinking...erugh

Real Breakfast: Banana, Greek Yoghurt , frozen berries and a little honey

Lunch: avocado, sprouted seeds,cucumber, and one bread bun. 3 or the most nutritional foods sandwiched between one of the worst foods.

5 weeks left to go!

Monday 17 March 2014

Catch up in photos!

Breakfast: 1/2 Melon and 2 Kiwis
Working on my egg addiction! 16 Hen Eggs, 4 Duck and 2 Goose! 

Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs on Ryvita, with avocado and beetroot

Planking with Luna, she loves to join in with everything I do!

Lunch at work! Peppers, Avocado, Celery, Carrot and  Sweet chilli Sauce in a tortilla.
After our planking session I had a lovely run today with my training buddy Luna! 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Second Day Running

What a beautiful day it is ! Spring is certainly here, the sun is out in all its glory, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing!  and I am running! Goodbye winter !

So I took Luna out for  a run today, or should I say, Luna took me out! We did the same circuit as yesterday, three quarters road work, and the last stretch up through the woods back home, we hit the 30 minute mark again, more or less, it is hard to accurately time our runs, as one of us (The dog) has to stop for wee breaks etc

I used my blood pressure monitor when I got home, about 5 minutes after getting in the house, first I had to get the dog fresh water, take off her harness etc open all the windows in the house to  help her cool, then wash the sweat off my face.
Anyway, my blood pressure read 87/51 with my heart rate at 97 beats per minute.  Not sure if I should be impressed or concerned!

I am most certainly feeling fitter, and yesterday, although rather bread heavy, I'm quite pleased with my food intake, although I have no idea how many calories I consumed!

Here's the start of my food diary today.

Hot water and lemon
Small Bowl :
Greek Yoghurt

4 km run, 30 minutes 

Post Workout Snack
Greek yoghurt
1 hard-boiled egg

Lunch (eaten over 2 meals )
1/2 avocado
1 egg
Bowl of Mexican rice
1 pita bread
1/2 bell pepper

20 minute walk with Luna

Vegetable Tikka
Green peppers
serving of rice
pita bread


Cashew nuts
2 digestives with a black coffee
2 small crackers
Home made nutrition bar (prunes,cashews, banana, coconut all blended together)

Puppy is flat out

Rescue dogs are so loving

Luna after our run

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Getting the hang of it

This week was the start of week 6, and as much as I thought I was reasonably healthy beforehand, it's taken me 6 weeks to get in to the correct frame of mind, and now I'm here, I'm getting the hang of it.  There are a lot of things I don't eat, and I've just recently given up cheese for lent, and I LOVE cheese, especially feta cheese. So, my list of foods I don't eat now include Meat (including all fish) Milk, Milk Products (ice cream) Cheese and a reasonable list of processed foods.  I do still eat eggs, and yoghurt (only Greek) and I think it will remain that way, as my body is responding well to this way of living.
Luna our husky is also doing very well, she is especially good at being my designated personal trainer, and we had a fantastic run today, her pace is improving very well to match mine, and we cut 5 minutes off our run time since last we did the same route.  She has also gained a much needed 11lbs since we brought her home from the rescue centre and she is in great shape at the moment. Today we ran a total of 4kms in exactly 30 minutes, this was a mixture of both road work, and trail running. 

Today's Meals

Breakfast/Post work out snack
Hazelnuts, Greek yoghurt, 2 bananas and honey

3 ryvita crackers (120cals) , a pita-bread (150 cals) , 1 duck egg (hard boiled) 1/2 an avocado,
Salad : 1 beet, 1 carrot, 4 inches of cucumber, stick of celery, 1/2 a bell pepper 

Broccoli,Kale, 1 Carrot, 7 mushrooms, one serving of noodles, soy sauce

1 bread bun,  tbs of hummus, left over salad from lunch 
apple and satsuma
1 hard boiled hen egg.
10 prunes,  cashews

Thought for the day concerning diet, too much bread/bread products. 
Luna keeping me company whilst I blog

Sunday 9 March 2014

Week 5 Photo

Week 1
Week 5

I wasn't able to take a photo during week 4, due to a lack of camera, but here it is , week 5!
Do I look like I've improved? I'm wearing the same clothing as week 4, the shorts are too big though so I had to roll the waistband to keep them up.

This week my diet has been a lot better, breakfast especially, I've been including more protein sources and good fats such as eggs, Greek yoghurt and avocado.

For example, breakfast everyday has been Greek yoghurt, blueberries, banana and honey. With a lunch of duck eggs and avocado, sometimes on ryvita, sometimes on wholemeal bread. Dinner has included mostly vegetables, kale, carrots, broccoli, some potato, noodles etc In my blog entry next Sunday I am going to have a full weeks food journal, with potential for some video!

Let me know how you think I'm getting on! :)
